Imaging Tunable Quantum Hall Broken-Symmetry Orders in Graphene


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When electrons populate a flat band their kinetic energy becomes negligible, forcing them to organize in exotic many-body states to minimize their Coulomb energy 1 – 5 . The zeroth Landau level of graphene under a magnetic field is a particularly interesting strongly interacting flat band because interelectron interactions are predicted to induce a rich variety of broken-symmetry states with distinct topological and lattice-scale orders 6 – 11 . Evidence for these states stems mostly from indirect transport experiments that suggest that broken-symmetry states are tunable by boosting the Zeeman energy 12 or by dielectric screening of the Coulomb interaction 13 . However, confirming the existence of these ground states requires a direct visualization of their lattice-scale orders 14 . Here we image three distinct broken-symmetry phases in graphene using scanning tunnelling spectroscopy. We explore the phase diagram by tuning the screening of the Coulomb interaction by a low- or high-dielectric-constant environment, and with a magnetic field. In the unscreened case, we find a Kekulé bond order, consistent with observations of an insulating state undergoing a magnetic-field driven Kosterlitz–Thouless transition 15 , 16 . Under dielectric screening, a sublattice-unpolarized ground state 13 emerges at low magnetic fields, and transits to a charge-density-wave order with partial sublattice polarization at higher magnetic fields. The Kekulé and charge-density-wave orders furthermore coexist with additional, secondary lattice-scale orders that enrich the phase diagram beyond current theory predictions 6 – 10 . This screening-induced tunability of broken-symmetry orders may prove valuable to uncover correlated phases of matter in other quantum materials.
Electronic properties and devices,Imaging techniques,Quantum Hall,Topological defects,Science,Humanities and Social Sciences,multidisciplinary
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