Genomic Variations in the Tea Leafhopper Reveal the Basis of Its Adaptive Evolution
GenomicsProteomics & Bioinformatics(2022)
Tea green leafhopper (TGL), Empoasca onukii, is of biological and economic interest. Despite numerous studies, the mechanisms underlying its adaptation and evolution remain enig-matic. Here, we use previously untapped genome and population genetics approaches to examine how the pest adapted to different environmental variables and thus has expanded geographically. We complete a chromosome-level assembly and annotation of the E. onukii genome, showing nota-ble expansions of gene families associated with adaptation to chemoreception and detoxification. Genomic signals indicating balancing selection highlight metabolic pathways involved in adaptation to a wide range of tea varieties grown across ecologically diverse regions. Patterns of genetic vari-ations among 54 E. onukii samples unveil the population structure and evolutionary history across different tea-growing regions in China. Our results demonstrate that the genomic changes in key pathways, including those linked to metabolism, circadian rhythms, and immune system functions, may underlie the successful spread and adaptation of E. onukii. This work highlights the genetic and molecular basis underlying the evolutionary success of a species with broad economic impacts, and provides insights into insect adaptation to host plants, which will ultimately facilitate more sustain-able pest management.
Tea green leafhopper,Genomic variation,Population genetics,Local adaptation,Evolutionary history
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