Charm and Bottom Quarks Dynamics in Heavy-Ion Collisions: RAA, Anisotropic Flows Vn and Their Correlations to the Bulk
EPJ Web of Conferences(2022)
We describe the propagation of heavy quarks (HQs), charm and bottom, in the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) by means of a full Boltzmann transport approach including event-by-event fluctuations within a coalescence plus fragmentation hadronization. The non-perturbative dynamics of the interaction between HQs and plasma particles have been taken into account through a Quasi-Particle Model (QPM). We show that the resulting charm in-medium evolution is able to correctly predict simultaneously not only the experimental data for the average D-mesons RAA(pT) and v2,3(pT) at LHC energies but also the extension of the analysis to the event-shape engineeering tecnique that classify events according to magnitude of the second-order harmonic reduced flow vector q2. In the same scheme we show predictions for RAA(pT) of electrons from semi-leptonic B-mesons decays at top LHC energies. Our results entail a determination of Ds which is consistent with the lattice QCD calculations.
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