Comparative Genomics Analysis of Acinetobacter Baumannii Multi-Drug Resistant and Drug Sensitive Strains in China.
Microbial Pathogenesis(2022)
The incidence of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii has posed a major challenge for clinical treatment. There is still a significant gap in understanding the mechanism causing multi-drug resistance (MDR). In this study, the genomes of 10 drug sensitive and 10 multi-drug resistant A.baumannii strains isolated from a hospital in China were sequenced and compared. The antibiotic resistance genes, virulence factors were determined and CRIPSR-Cas system along with prophages were detected. The results showed that MDR strains are significantly different from the drug sensitive strains in the CARD entries, patterns of sequences matching up to plasmids, VFDB entries and CRISPR-Cas system. MDR strains contain unique CARD items related to antibiotic resistance which are absent in sensitive strains. Furthermore, sequences from genomes of MDR strains can match up with plasmids from more diversified bacteria genera compared to drug sensitive strains. MDR strains also contain a lower level of CRISPR genes and larger amount of prophages, along with higher levels of spacer sequences. These findings provide new experimental evidences for the study of the antibiotic resistance mechanism of A. baumannii.
MDR,Whole genome sequencing
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