A Simplified Modification of the Sturmdorf Suture
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology(2024)
The Sturmdorf type sutures are traditionally used for obtaining hemostasis after a cold knife conization. In this article and accompanying video, we provided a simplified modification of the Sturmdorf suture to further reduce the risk of postoperative bleeding and cervical stenosis. Our modified Sturmdorf suture is essentially a large horizontal figure-of-eight suture, with simultaneous small bites on the mucosa of the anterior and posterior lips drawing the cervical mucosa to cover the denuded cervical stump. The advantages of this modification are: (1) The surgery is simple, accomplished with only one suture; (2) excellent hemostasis is achieved by incorporating the cervical branch of the descending rami of the uterine artery lateral to the cervix in the suture loop; (3) the single-suture technique provides more appropriate tension on the cervix when tying the knot and pulls the cervical mucosa towards the cervical canal from six symmetrical directions, evenly distributed tension helps restore the preferable cylindrical shape of the cervical stump; and (4) the intersection point of the figure-of-eight suture is located in the cervical canal, where the tissue undergoes minimal deformation when the suture loop is tightened, therefore stenosis of the uterine cervix is rare.
cold knife conization,modification,Sturmdorf suture
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