On Ultrafast X-ray Methods for Magnetism
Advances in Physics X(2024)
With the introduction of x-ray free electron laser sources around the world, new scientific approaches for visualizing matter at fundamental length and time-scales have become possible. As it relates to magnetism and "magnetic-type" systems, advanced methods are being developed for studying ultrafast magnetic responses on the time-scales at which they occur. We describe three capabilities which have the potential to seed new directions in this area and present original results from each: pump-probe x-ray scattering with low energy excitation, x-ray photon fluctuation spectroscopy, and ultrafast diffuse x-ray scattering. By combining these experimental techniques with advanced modeling together with machine learning, we describe how the combination of these domains allows for a new understanding in the field of magnetism. Finally, we give an outlook for future areas of investigation and the newly developed instruments which will take us there.
Ultrafast,x-rays,magnetism,x-ray free electron lasers,machine-learning,instrumentation
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