Soil contamination with Toxocara spp. eggs in the public parks of Isfahan City, Central Iran
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease(2015)
To evaluate the contamination rate of the public parks of Isfahan city with Toxocara spp. eggs. A total of 140 soil samples were collected from 28 public parks of Isfahan City, Central Iran, during the summer of 2014. Soil samples were investigated for the presence of Toxocara eggs by flotation method using sucrose solution. The prepared wet mount slides were examined under light microscope using 10× and 40× objectives. Toxocara spp. eggs were found in 21 (75%) out of 28 studied public parks. Also Toxocara spp. eggs were observed in 40 (28.6%) out of 140 collected soil samples. Contamination rate with Toxocara spp. eggs in Isfahan is fairly high. Isfahan is a city that has lots of parks and gardens. The stray dogs and cats that roam around the parks contaminate the soil. Therefore preventive measures, especially for children, should be implemented.
Toxocara,Soil,Public parks,Isfahan,Iran
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