First Commissioning of LCLS-II CW Injector Source
10th Int Particle Accelerator Conf (IPAC'19), Melbourne, Australia, 19-24 May 2019(2019)
The LCLS-II injector source includes a 186MHz CW rf-gun, a 1.3 GHz CW rf-buncher, a loadlock system for photocathode change, two main solenoids, and a few essential diagnostics. The electron beam is designed to operate at a high repetition rate, up to 1-MHz. Since summer of 2018 we started LCLS-II injector source commissioning immediately after the major installation was completed. Initial commissioning showed the rf-gun was severely contaminated with hydrocarbons and very limited power <600W could be fed into the gun cavity. After a few significant processes, we eventually removed the hydrocarbons and successfully delivered desired rf power of 80 kW to the gun. This paper reports first com-missioning results including gun bakeout and vacuum processing, CW RF-gun and buncher operation with nom-inal power, and measurements of rf stability and dark current.
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