Single-to-Dual-View Adaptation for Egocentric 3D Hand Pose Estimation

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(2024)

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The pursuit of accurate 3D hand pose estimation stands as a keystone forunderstanding human activity in the realm of egocentric vision. The majority ofexisting estimation methods still rely on single-view images as input, leadingto potential limitations, e.g., limited field-of-view and ambiguity in depth.To address these problems, adding another camera to better capture the shape ofhands is a practical direction. However, existing multi-view hand poseestimation methods suffer from two main drawbacks: 1) Requiring multi-viewannotations for training, which are expensive. 2) During testing, the modelbecomes inapplicable if camera parameters/layout are not the same as those usedin training. In this paper, we propose a novel Single-to-Dual-view adaptation(S2DHand) solution that adapts a pre-trained single-view estimator to dualviews. Compared with existing multi-view training methods, 1) our adaptationprocess is unsupervised, eliminating the need for multi-view annotation. 2)Moreover, our method can handle arbitrary dual-view pairs with unknown cameraparameters, making the model applicable to diverse camera settings.Specifically, S2DHand is built on certain stereo constraints, includingpair-wise cross-view consensus and invariance of transformation between bothviews. These two stereo constraints are used in a complementary manner togenerate pseudo-labels, allowing reliable adaptation. Evaluation results revealthat S2DHand achieves significant improvements on arbitrary camera pairs underboth in-dataset and cross-dataset settings, and outperforms existing adaptationmethods with leading performance. Project page:
Pose Estimation,Hand Pose,Hand Pose Estimation,3D Hand Pose Estimation,Adaptation Process,Adaptive Method,Complementary Manner,Arbitrary Pair,Pair Of Cameras,Dual View,Low Accuracy,Adam Optimizer,Key Modulator,Softmax Function,Adaptive Framework,Simple Average,Camera Pose,Human Pose Estimation,3D Pose,Feature Fusion Module,3D Joint,Camera Coordinate System,Pairs Of Predictions
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