Earthquake Disturbance Shifts Metabolic Energy Use and Partitioning in a Monodominant Forest
Aim: Both macroecology and disturbance ecology have long been used to characterize population- and community-level patterns across scales, but the integration of both approaches in characterizing disturbed ecosystems is rare. Here, we use the maximum entropy theory of ecology (METE) to model the individual size distribution (ISD) of trees in pre- and post-disturbance tree populations and estimate the corresponding metabolic scaling exponents. Location: New Zealand. Time Period: 1987-1999. Major Taxa Studied: Mountain beech (Fuscospora cliffortioides Nothofagaceae). Methods: METE uses information entropy and empirical macro-state variables to constrain predictions of ecological distributions related to biodiversity. METE has successfully predicted a range of biodiversity metrics in static or relatively undisturbed conditions. However, METE can fail to accurately model ecological patterns in disturbed ecosystems. We extend existing theoretical predictions to a highly disturbed ecosystem by treating the metabolic scaling exponent and Lagrange multipliers as free parameters in METE. Results: We showed that the fully parameterized METE (FP-METE) model reasonably predicted the ISD of mountain beech populations in a monodominant forest after a strong earthquake, which restructured the forest. Furthermore, the FP-METE model revealed that decreasing metabolic scaling exponent drove the substantial decline of total metabolic rate energy and the redistribution of energy towards smaller trees after the earthquake. Increased number of small trees was not sufficient to capture the full impact of disturbance on forest energy use. Main Conclusions: Our FP-METE model applies an informatics approach to estimate the metabolic scaling relationship. We find that instead of maintaining a fixed value, the metabolic scaling exponent is variable among populations, and declines significantly after an earthquake disturbance. This leads to major shifts in the total population metabolic energy and energy distribution. With this approach, we now have the opportunity to advance beyond categorizing forms of mathematical distributions that describe biodiversity patterns and move into a predictive framework where the true constraints on ecosystems and their dynamics emerge.
constraint-based model,earthquake disturbance,ecological informatics,individual size distribution,Lagrange multipliers,maximum entropy,metabolic rate energy,mountain beech,New Zealand
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