Toward Optimal LLM Alignments Using Two-Player Games
The standard Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) framework
primarily focuses on optimizing the performance of large language models using
pre-collected prompts. However, collecting prompts that provide comprehensive
coverage is both tedious and challenging, and often fails to include scenarios
that LLMs need to improve on the most. In this paper, we investigate alignment
through the lens of two-agent games, involving iterative interactions between
an adversarial and a defensive agent. The adversarial agent's task at each step
is to generate prompts that expose the weakness of the defensive agent. In
return, the defensive agent seeks to improve its responses to these newly
identified prompts it struggled with, based on feedback from the reward model.
We theoretically demonstrate that this iterative reinforcement learning
optimization converges to a Nash Equilibrium for the game induced by the
agents. Experimental results in safety scenarios demonstrate that learning in
such a competitive environment not only fully trains agents but also leads to
policies with enhanced generalization capabilities for both adversarial and
defensive agents.
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