COVID-19 Preparedness, Stressors, and Data-Driven Solutions for Healthcare Workers at a Regional Rural-Urban Hospital System: A Longitudinal Total Worker Health® Study.
Workplace Health & Safety(2023)
BACKGROUND:During the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, healthcare workers were devastated by the insufficient preparedness to respond to their patients' and personal health needs. A gap exists in resources to prevent or reduce acute and long-term healthcare worker mental illnesses resulting from COVID-19 frontline response.METHODS:We performed an exploratory, mixed methods, longitudinal study of healthcare workers at a regional rural-urban hospital system in the Midwest United States during the COVID-19 response (4 timepoints, 2020). Using the Total Worker Health® (TWH) participatory needs assessment approach, self-identified frontline COVID-19 workers participated in a survey including Health-Related Quality of Life, Impact of Event Scale, and a modified version of the American Nursing Association COVID-19 survey; and a hospital timeline tracked system-level activities.FINDINGS:Response rate at Timepoint (T)1 was 21.7% (N = 39) and of those, 14 (36%) completed all four surveys. From T1 to T4, the rate of COVID-19 patients steadily increased, staff exceeded the threshold for post-traumatic stress disorder at T1 and T4; staff reported not enough rest or sleep 50% of the month, T1-T4. Helpfulness of family support increased but community support decreased, T1-T4. Concerns with performing new tasks increased; the challenges related to lack of protective equipment and negative media decreased. Workers wanted to be involved in decision-making, desired timely communication, and needed adequate physical, environmental, and psychological supports.CONCLUSIONS/APPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE:Utilization of a TWH® strategy for describing health needs, hospital response, and multi-level staff suggestions to workplace health solutions during the COVID-19 pandemic identified evidence-based health promotion interventions in a hospital system.
mental health,workplace health promotion,total worker health,emergency preparedness
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