Expanding the Scope of Resonance Raman Spectroscopy in Hydrogenase Research: New Observable States and Reporter Vibrations

Journal of inorganic biochemistry(2024)

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Oxygen-tolerant [NiFe] hydrogenases are valuable blueprints for the activation and evolution of molecular hydrogen under application-relevant conditions. Vibrational spectroscopic techniques play a key role in the investigation of these metalloenzymes. For instance, resonance Raman spectroscopy has been introduced as a site-selective approach for probing metal-ligand coordinates of the [NiFe] active site and FeS clusters. Despite its success, this approach is still challenged by a limited number of detectable active-site states - due to missing resonance enhancement or intrinsic light sensitivity - and difficulties in their assignment. Utilizing two oxygen-tolerant [NiFe] hydrogenases as model systems, we illustrate how these challenges can be met by extending excitation and detection wavelength regimes in resonance Raman spectroscopic studies. Specifically, we observe that this technique does not only probe low-frequency metal-ligand vibrations but also high-frequency intra-ligand modes of the diatomic CO/CN- ligands at the active site of [NiFe] hydrogenases. These reporter vibrations are routinely probed by infrared absorption spectroscopy, so that direct comparison of spectra from both techniques allows an unambiguous assignment of states detected by resonance Raman spectroscopy. Moreover, we find that a previously undetected state featuring a bridging hydroxo ligand between Ni and Fe can be probed using higher excitation wavelengths, as photoconversion occurring at lower wavelengths is avoided. In summary, this study expands the applicability of resonance Raman spectroscopy to hydrogenases and other complex metalloenzymes by introducing new strategies for probing and assigning redox-structural states of the active site.
[NiFe] hydrogenase,active site,iron-sulfur cluster,resonance Raman spectroscopy,IR spectroscopy,cryogenic temperature
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