Masked Autoencoders Are Secretly Efficient Learners
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(2024)
This paper provides an efficiency study of training Masked Autoencoders (MAE), a framework introduced by He et al. [13] for pre-training Vision Transformers (ViTs). Our results surprisingly reveal that MAE can learn at a faster speed and with fewer training samples while maintaining high performance. To accelerate its training, our changes are simple and straightforward: in the pre-training stage, we aggressively increase the masking ratio, decrease the number of training epochs, and reduce the decoder depth to lower the pre-training cost; in the fine-tuning stage, we demonstrate that layer-wise learning rate decay plays a vital role in unlocking the full potential of pre-trained models. Under this setup, we further verify the sample efficiency of MAE: training MAE is hardly affected even when using only 20% of the original training set.By combining these strategies, we are able to accelerate MAE pre-training by a factor of 82 or more, with little performance drop. For example, we are able to pre-train a ViT-B in ~9 hours using a single NVIDIA A100 GPU and achieve 82.9% top-1 accuracy on the downstream ImageNet classification task. Additionally, we also verify the speed acceleration on another MAE extension, SupMAE.
Learning Rate,Training Epochs,Sampling Efficiency,Top-1 Accuracy,Vision Transformer,Pre-training Stage,Fine-tuning Stage,Fewer Training Samples,Computational Cost,Scaling Factor,Batch Size,Decay Rate,Decrease In Performance,Low-level Features,Image Patches,Effective Representation,Self-supervised Learning,Large Batch Size,Higher Learning Rate,Original Setup,Pretext Task
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