Population-level Health Impact of Hypothetical Waning 1-Dose Human Papillomavirus Vaccination and 2-Dose Mitigation Strategies in a High Cervical Cancer Burden Setting
Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs(2024)
BACKGROUND:We simulated the impact of hypothetical waning scenarios of a 1-dose human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination paired with switching to 2-dose mitigation strategies guided by empirical vaccine trial reporting timelines. METHODS:Using 2 independent mathematical models fitted to a high-burden setting, we projected the cumulative cervical cancer cases averted over 85 years for alternative HPV vaccination scenarios under 2 program adoption timelines: 1) de novo introduction of a 1-dose HPV vaccination and 2) a switch from an existing 2-dose HPV vaccination program to a 1-dose vaccination. We assumed 80% vaccination coverage with the bivalent vaccine and an average duration of a 1-dose HPV vaccine protection of either 30 or 25 years with 100% efficacy. We varied the eligible age group(s) at program introduction and the 2-dose mitigation (single-age cohort or multi-age cohort). If needed for mitigation, reintroduction of 2-dose vaccination was assumed to occur in 2036 (ie, 30 years after initiation of the Costa Rica Vaccine Trial). RESULTS:Under both vaccine adoption timelines, the models projected that countries could achieve the same level of health benefits by switching to 2 doses in 2036 using a multi-age cohort approach as with initiating a 2-dose or 1-dose vaccination program with no waning. With only a single-age cohort 2-dose mitigation approach, 98%-99% of cases would be prevented compared with the health benefits of 2 doses or a noninferior, durable 1 dose. CONCLUSIONS:Countries hesitant to adopt a 1-dose HPV vaccination program may have opportunities to leverage the benefits and efficiency of a 1-dose schedule while awaiting longer-term reporting from 1-dose durability studies, including Costa Rica Vaccine Trial.
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