Artificial Intelligence in Nursing Education: a Bibliometric Analysis of Trends, Challenges, and Future Directions
Teaching and Learning in Nursing(2024)
Objective This study aims to perform, for the first time, a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and ChatGPT in nursing education. Methods The Scopus database was employed to retrieve data and later analyzed on Vosviewer and R Studio, Results A total of 101 documents were analyzed, spanning from 1991 to 2024, sourced from 64 different journals. The annual growth rate of the documents was 11.07%, with an average document age of 2.28 years. The average number of citations per document was 8.90, and each document had an average of 4.53 co-authors. Among the authors, Ahn J contributed to 3 documents, the leading institution was the National University of Singapore with 14 publications, the United States had the highest number of publications with 43. Co-words analysis categorized the focus of 101 papers into 20 distinct groups. Conclusion The study provides an extensive overview of research trends in AI and machine learning within nursing education.
AI,Bibliometric Analysis,Nursing,Research Focus,Scopus
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